Our consulting offer comprises individual Coaching, group supervision, project support as well as Team- , Leadership– and organisational development. Through the meta-perspective of our considerations and aspects from the integral view of conscious evolution and Spiral Dynamics integral (SDi), it becomes possible to integrate past, present and future developments into an increasingly dynamic world with complex value systems. This broad angle of vision promotes the connection of various dimensions such as specific life situations, cultural context, interpersonal interactions, time axes. The results are called natural design because they are consistent with observable basic structures and principles of evolution, especially anthropological development patterns. The CHE // D · A · CH is based on more than 30 year SDi consulting tradition of the worldwide CHE and the founding father of SDi, Don E. Beck. Our other approaches, models and methods are used depending on the situation. Conscious design is at the orgin of sensible, effective and sustainable transformations which can develop an effective dynamic. Our focus is on the recovery of the whole spiral with all the value systems in humans and organizations in order to ensure a secure transition to the integral age.
As Spiral Dynamics Integral experts with many years of experience, we put into practice the principles that Frederic Laloux describes in his book “Reinventing Organizations”. You will find application examples in German here. We design individual, demand-oriented development scenarios with you and accompany you with the implementation. How Natural Design can be used with you is subject to the respective conditions on-site. The concerted combination of the work approaches makes natural design effective for your specific situation. A general response at this point would never meet the complexity of the requirements.