Training and Consulting
Through the intention and the fields of activity of CHE // D·A·CH new competences and focal points of knowledge emerge. We care about bringing these into the whole of society as well as into specific areas like economy, politics, art, culture, or healthcare. A key way to reach out is through applying consulting and training in these areas of competence.
It is a sufficient test mechanism to verify how close the work of the CHE // D·A·CH actually is at the forefront and in tune with the implementation of questions from and for the future in the present.
It also serves to create the sustainable economic basis of the activities of the CHE // D·A·CH. On the following pages, we provide information on different areas of cooperation. It is up to us to create crystallization surfaces that mediate how we work with a sophisticated level of pragmatic implementation competence and with the background of the global awareness of global CHE. We are driven by the desire and passion to realize approaches on the way to an integral age at the threshold of further development with the respective clients.
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