We explore and design freshest models for human coexistence and collaboration. We conceive coexistence as a process that can be enriched and shaped by evolutionary impulses. In doing so, we focus on the creation, development and implementation of integral models of social architecture that foster the transition from the modern and postmodern era to the integral age.
With our actions, we promote the evolution of consciousnessSupporting the development of individuals and collectives taking into account the respective conditions of life and the paticular context of diverse cultures, and what next steps are needed for supporting a healthy epression of their being and doing. in the global context of one of the major transformation process, which humanity has passed through on its evolutionary journey so far, we address the following issues:
- Support the transitionWhat can we do as a collective to bridge the gap from here (breakdown/competing society) to there (breakthrough/co-creating society)?
- Navigate easily and efficiently complexity and diversityWhich systemic principles and co-crative approaches will get more significant, in order to adress diversity and complexity in a creative and proper way?
- Empower the individual as a co-designer of the futureWhat can I as an Individual do in this Global Transition? How could I design in a positive way my contribution with my talents and how to fulfill my heart´s desire, and take actions?
- Promote social innovation in organizationsWhich social innovations are needed in the design of business and governance in order for organizations in a global context to thrive and to take powerful actions?
- Develop evolutionary co-leadershipWhat self-conception and approaches does leadership need in the transition?
Our self-understanding: building bridges for the 21st century
We see ourselves as pioneers who are exploring the New, taking innovative paths and making them accessible to others.

We recognize the direction of the cosmic design that strives for more freedom, complexity and consciousness. We use this insight to foster synergies in all fields of life and to accelerate the integration of the “New” with the functioning “Old” for designing win-win-win scenarios. The deep understanding of our evolution makes it possible to sense the next life-affirming developments and to manifest these horizons in the present time.

Conscious Evolution helps us to understand the transitions of our human evolving and what we need in order to successfully take the next steps. Conscious Evolution encourages us to choose a regenerative future which we shape as co-creators.
Designing is the capacity to plan, create and reach our goals. It is a force that we use in order to shape our daily lifes consciously, to deepen our awareness and to create life sustaining spaces. In every single field of our life we can participate in creating with others our world, joyfully and in full responsibility.
We create the conditions for human beings to reconnect with their true nature as creators so that they express this creative force individually and collectively.