Whenever you like to understand more about Frederic Laloux’s book: Reinventing Organizations, you should consider to dive deeper into Spiral Dynamics integral and our educational programs.
Spiral Dynamics integral: Learned and taught in the way Don Beck does. We are one of the few authorized trainers within the German speaking countries.
From 2018, we offer our Social Architect Training (Fundamental and Advanced) in English!
Building evolutionary competences to address complex challenges with ease!
Based on four years ´ experience running the training in German-speaking countries the Social Architect training aims at making you familiar with integral and evolutionary concepts and at showing you different ways how to integrate them into your actions.
Social Architects are pioneers of change and build bridges for the 21st century. They accompany transformative change processes and accelerate innovative change in all areas of social interaction. They have many skills that people in leadership positions need for a resilient and efficient navigating in an increasingly complex world!
Read more about what you will learn and experience in this unique educational program and which competencies and skills you will build here.
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